Study Ready

If you are having trouble with studying or feeling motivated, I have made a website with everything you need to combat that! The main thing you need for studying is motivation. Having motivation will make it overall a better experience

Steps to study the most affecintly!

1-Prepare: Before being able to study well, you should prepare. What’s your favorite quiet place? Do you have all your materials? Do you need a snack? Running through lists like this will help you remember everything. These things are crucial for a good study session. Being in a quiet place with all your materials and a snack is just a really great way to start everything off!

2-Plan Ahead: Studying can be hard sometimes. But if you follow the right procedures, you’ll be able to figure it out! Planning is very important in the long run. Sure you might get the formula right now, but what about test day? Studying right before a test is only going to give you short term memory. Not long term. Studying for at least 20 minutes a day for 2 weeks before a test can help you guys to get that 100%.

3-Be Productive: When studying in a comfortable space. It's most likely going to persuade you into not studying because you’re too comfortable. First, you should sit in a chair. Then find a quiet place to focus. To be able to focus better you should put all distractions away and do not have a study group. You should work alone rather than talk about Becky. Music is also not very effective either. Music sometimes gets you off track and you won’t have your full attention on your studying.

4-Make it a Habit: Finding a way to make studying a habit will help your grades a lot. Once you do get into the habit of studying every day for 20-30 minutes, you should see a change in your grades and you’ll make your parents proud as well! You should also try to start this studying habit at the beginning of something. Like the beginning of the week or month. This will help you start fresh and make you want to do it more! Finally, Studying can have its pros and cons, But studying the proper way will help you. All these steps for me and you are going to be very helpful. Now that you have straight A’s you should be able to get that allowance.